ADO.NET introduced as a part of .NET 1.0, is an API (set of classes) that is used to connect and access various data sources including XML, flat files, relational databases, and more. Here you may find ADO.NET related articles and news.
  • Mahesh Chand

    ADO.NET: Populate a DataSet from a Database

    Getting data from a database is easy, and working with data is easier than before. If you want the results from a database as a forward only, read-only stream of data, you can execute a command and...
    Mahesh Chand Feb 04, 2007
  • Mahesh Chand

    ADO.NET: Read and Write XML

    Schemas, or the tables, columns, constraints and so forth, of a DataSet can be defined in several ways. One method is to create them using properties and methods (Tables.Add, Columns.Add, and so on...
    Mahesh Chand Feb 04, 2007
  • Mahesh Chand

    ADO.NET Overview

    ADO.NET is an evolution of the ADO data access model that directly addresses user requirements for developing scalable applications. It was designed specifically for the web with scalability, state...
    Mahesh Chand Jan 29, 2007
  • Mahesh Chand

    New DataSet Features in Visual Studio 2005

    Learn about the new features in the typed DataSet class and the new TableAdapter class that are generated by Visual Studio 2005, as well as the tools for designing these classes. Also learn about t...
    Mahesh Chand Dec 22, 2005
  • Mahesh Chand

    New DataSet Features in ADO.NET 2.0

    Learn about the new ADO.NET 2.0 features in the DataSet .NET Framework class and the classes that are closely related to it. These changes include both functional and performance enhancements to th...
    Mahesh Chand Dec 22, 2005