Microsoft Releases TypeScript 2.2 RC

Microsoft announced the candidate release of TypeScript 2.2.
The company states,
“TypeScript 2.2 is just around the corner, and today we’re announcing its release candidate!”
 As per Microsoft,  TypeScript is a language which takes JavaScript and adds optional static types. It has been built on JavaScript, which means that you no longer need to learn further than what you already know from the JavaScript, and all your existing code will continue to work with TypeScript.
The company also informs that the optional types that TypeScript adds will allow you to catch pesky bugs, allowing you to work more efficiently by enabling great tooling support.
You can now try the RC of TypeScript 2.2. For this, you can either use NuGet or use npm run.
You will also be able to gain TypeScript Release Candidate for Visual Studio 2015 if you have the update 3. Other built-in editor support will come with proper 2.2 release, however you can also check the guides on how to enable the latest versions of TypeScript in Visual Studio Code and in Sublime Text 3.
To know about the noteworthy features of release candidate, check the official blog.
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TypeScript 2.2 Released