Google Assistant To Inhabit More Devices And Appliances

Google has announced that the company has extended the availability of its legacy voice-controlled digital assistant, Google Assistant, to more devices including speakers, electronic appliances, and more.
The announcement is made during IFA (Internationale Funkausstellung), the electronics and home appliances trade show going on in Berlin, Germany. And, the company has indicated that we will see a whole lot of new devices and appliances equipped with the Google Assistant in the next few days of the event. However, most of the products are from the renowned manufacturer, LG.
In a recent blog post, Google stated,
“You’ll hear about a number of new products that either have the Assistant built in (you can talk to them) or that work with the Assistant (you can control them with the Google Assistant) ……. The Assistant already supports more than 70 home automation manufacturers, including Honeywell, Netatmo, TP-Link and Wemo, so you can get help with everyday things using your voice. Whether you need to dim the lights to 20%, set the sprinkler, or turn on your slow cooker, you can just start with “Ok Google....”
Power Briefing by LG: Zdravko Bojcic, Director Sales & Marketing Home Appliance | Source:
We know that Google Home is equipped with Google Assistant already but more speakers remain to be announced during the show, including the Zolo Mojo by Anker, TicHome Mini by Mobvoi and the GA10 by Panasonic. The company confirms that they have worked on the NLP techniques and speech recognition technology of the Assistant so that it can distinguish your voice more accurately and also, now users can ask more tough and contextual questions, such as – “Where is the Eiffel Tower” and, “How tall is it?”.
Similarly, we will see several smart appliances ready for working on a simple “OK Google” voice command. The electronics manufacturer, LG, has come up with a bunch of such appliances including washers, dryers, vacuum cleaners, and refrigerators etc. Now, we can say that accomplishing daily house-hold tasks will become a lot easier and smarter.
The company indicates that they will keep updating the blog with the list of new members in Google Assistant Family as they are announced. The countries that will see most of the devices by the end of this year include the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, and France; however, the availability may differ from device to device.
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