  • Ahmedabad   India
  • Member since Jul 24 2012
  • Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8 Apps


Farhan is Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8 Apps developer having 1.5+ year of experience of developing the productivity and line-of-business (LOB) apps for Microsoft's new break-through OS Windows 8 as well as Windows Phone 8. He is one of the pioneer developer who develops apps for Windows 8 devices. He has keen interest in Microsoft Technologies. Earlier he has attended Microsoft Tech-Ed 2011 event at Ahmedabad. That event inspired him a lot and it created great impact on his career. Now-a-days he writes articles related to Windows 8 & Windows Phone 8 apps development on his blog, C-Sharp Corner & CodeProject. His most favorite activity is to solve developer's question on Stack Overflow. In free time he loves to solve developer's questions & confusions, so he like to spend my free time on Stack Overflow (Bronze medal owner for Windows-8 & Windows-store-apps tagged questions), CodeProject, GeekChamp, Twitter (#WinRT, #Win8Dev, #Win8, #WPDev, #WP8, #XAML), etc.

Farhan has experience of developing Windows 8 apps, Windows Phone 8 apps, Silverlight apps and ASP.NET websites. He has superior expertise in the domains of .NET, WinRT, Silverlight, C#, XAML, XML, SQLite, Azure, Expression Blend, Telerik, SyncFusion, WCF, REST, JSON and RSS. He is also best in Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and he is perfect in Software Development Life Cycle. He is also familiar with utilizing 3rd party libraries, 3rd party UI controls, data exchange, API integration, DLL & WinMD development, API development, etc. He can also migrate Android, iOS and Mac app to Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.

He is more positive, sensible to urgency and passionate about his career as a Microsoft technology developer and looking forward to more and more challenging opportunities.

If you have unique app idea or any app requirement for your business & enterprise, you will definitely find him a suitable & workaholic developer. You will have long term professional relationship with better ROI, for sure :)


Stackoverflow Careers 2.0 : /farhanghumra

Twitter : @_F4RH4N_

LinkedIn : /farhanghumra

Facebook : /farhan.ghumra

Skype : farhan.ghumra

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