Anand N
write the difference between Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer
By Anand N in C# on Jun 10 2013
  • Ram Pradeep
    Oct, 2015 20

    whenever you want to navigate user from one site to another present with in the same server or not we need to use server.transfer.whenever u want to navigate user from one site to another present in the same web server need to use response.redirect.server.transfer is slower than the response.redirect why because server.transfer contains 2 requests and responces.

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  • Ram Pradeep
    Oct, 2015 20

    whenever you want to navigate user from one site to another present with in the same server or not we need to use server.transfer.whenever u want to navigate user from one site to another present in the same web server need to use response.redirect.server.transfer is slower than the response.redirect why because server.transfer contains 2 requests and responces.

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  • Ram Pradeep
    Oct, 2015 20

    whenever you want to navigate user from one site to another present with in the same server or not we need to use server.transfer.whenever u want to navigate user from one site to another present in the same web server need to use response.redirect.server.transfer is slower than the response.redirect why because server.transfer contains 2 requests and responces.

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  • Ram Pradeep
    Oct, 2015 20

    whenever you want to navigate user from one site to another present with in the same server or not we need to use server.transfer.whenever u want to navigate user from one site to another present in the same web server need to use response.redirect.server.transfer is slower than the response.redirect why because server.transfer contains 2 requests and responces.

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  • Ram Pradeep
    Oct, 2015 20

    whenever you want to navigate user from one site to another present with in the same server or not we need to use server.transfer.whenever u want to navigate user from one site to another present in the same web server need to use response.redirect.server.transfer is slower than the response.redirect why because server.transfer contains 2 requests and responces.

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  • Rakesh Jogani
    Jun, 2013 12

    Response.Redirect send message to the browser saying it to move to some different page ,while Server.Transfer does not send any message to the browser but rather redirects the user directly from the server itself.So in Server.Transfer there is no round trip while Response.Redirect has a round trip and hence puts a load on the server. Using Server.Transfer you can not redirect to different from the server itself.For example,if your server is you can not use Server.Transfer to move to ,but you can move to i.e. within the website.Cross server redirection is only possible using Response.Redirect. With Server.Transfer you can preserve information.It has parameter called as preserveForm.Therefore, the existing query string etc. will be able in the calling page. If you are navigating within the website then user Server.Transfer else use Response.Redirect

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