Himanshu Dubey
whatr is grid view?
By Himanshu Dubey in ASP.NET on May 31 2009
  • naininaveen kumar
    Jun, 2009 12

    Grid can be defined as multiple record displays i.e in the form of table representation.Data grid will support all the manipulation.Manipulation will be reflected on the dataset implicitily.The manipulations can be restricted with using read only property.


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  • Purushottam Rathore
    Jun, 2009 10


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  • Surya Prakash
    Jun, 2009 3

    Grid View [2.0] is extended control of Data Grid [1.1]. This is UI element is used to show data in tabular format. Using this control once can achieve Sorting, Pagination... etc...

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  • sirisha
    Jun, 2009 1

    GridView is the successor of DataGrid which is a graphical user interface element.It is a tabular view of data where each column represents field and row represents record.GridView enables us to select, sort and edit these items without writing even a single line of code.It is very flexible and easy to use.

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