Mahesh Chand
What was the biggest challange you faced at your current job
By Mahesh Chand in Career Advice on May 01 2012
  • Manav Pandya
    Jan, 2018 16

    Till now i have completed 1 year where im working as .net developer , for first 4 month i was working on E-Commerce [MVC] , than they allocate me project on Angular 5 , and told me to learn angular within 1 week , and yes i was learning and also working on Angular 5 project , so it was both fun and big challenge for me , Thanks sir

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  • Joginder Banger
    Nov, 2014 10

    i have almost challenge complete in my job. I work continue on task until the task is complete

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    Jul, 2014 27

    Maintaining the data and applying the quires on that data. We have done lot of performance tuning techniques in sql server for getting result faster way.

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  • clinto aug
    Jul, 2012 17

    Love the job

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