Krishna Rajput Singh
What is the Signification of the "new " keyword in C#? example
By Krishna Rajput Singh in C# on Jul 17 2014
  • Ajay Gandhi
    Nov, 2015 20

    Allocates the memory , create the instance of class

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  • Rahul Prajapat
    Jun, 2015 1

    1. create a instance of a class 2. method hiding

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  • Pankaj  Kumar Choudhary
    Jun, 2015 1

    1. create a instance of a class 2. method hiding

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  • Piyush chhabra
    Apr, 2015 20

    to create an instance/ object of the class.

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  • Md. Raskinur Rashid
    Jan, 2015 20

    to create a object of a class.

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  • Hari Teja Valavala V
    Nov, 2014 8

    new is used to hide your base class methods through your derive class methods

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  • Munesh Sharma
    Oct, 2014 9

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  • Sunil Gaded
    Aug, 2014 28

    i have a one method in the base class like method1() so again i need to create the method1() with same name as in base class, in derived class we use the new keyword to hide the old method in the base class

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  • srinivas m
    Aug, 2014 8

    whenever we use new keyword to create object then automatically memory will be allotted for the data fields and default values are stored into data fields. ex:employee obj1=new employee(); if we cannot use new keyword then memory will not be allotted to the data fields and object will maintenance the null references. employee obj1=employee();

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  • Krishna Rajput Singh
    Jul, 2014 17

    In C# the "new" keyword is used to create an instance of a class.for example: public class Student { } Student objstudent=new Student():

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