sanjeev singh
What is the purpose of IIS ?
By sanjeev singh in ASP.NET on Feb 04 2009
  • rohit khalde
    Feb, 2009 15

    IIS used for SMTP server when we need to send mail .

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  • Feb, 2009 12

    There are following purposes of IIS...

    - Manage Web Sites/Pages

    - Serves requests and send responses back to the client

    - Run/execute Server side scripts of the requested pages...

    - Provide different type of security on web sites/pages...

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  • prashant haveri
    Feb, 2009 10

    IIs is web server which will accepts the request from client and serve the request ,means it will send the requested web page to client

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  • Bechir Bejaoui
    Feb, 2009 8

    IIS serves as tool to respond to the request of the client, the IIS recives requests and handle them the it sends back a server page ASP ASPX PHP JSP and so forth

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  • P Narasimha
    Feb, 2009 4

    IIS:It can be used for the Run Web Application.goto->run->inemgr->website ->newwebsite->create your on virtuval directory and run the your Web Application in this ISS sever.

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