Puran Mehra
What is the difference between SQL coammand and T-SQL command?
By Puran Mehra in SQL Server on Aug 13 2009
  • pandia raja
    Apr, 2010 27

    In Tsql we can use SQL commands. But in SQL we can't use the TSQL.

    In TSQL we can do the program over the use of SQL commands.
    But in SQL we can only issue the commands not the programs


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  • Nikhil Kumar
    Aug, 2009 14

    SQL is the Structured Query Language the ANSI/ISO Standard database language. SQL Server's implementation of the language is called Transact-SQL (T-SQL).

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  • Puran Mehra
    Aug, 2009 13

    What is the difference between SQL coammand and T-SQL command?

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