ashish panwar
What is the Difference between LINQ and Stored Procedures?
By ashish panwar in LINQ on Jul 15 2012
  • jaimin maheta
    Dec, 2014 1

    1.linq support lamda expression 2.linq support skip,take,list function 3.linq support implicit variable 4.storeprocedure use in linq 5.LINQ supports type safety against stored procedures. 6.Stored procedures normally are faster as they have a predictable execution plan. Therefore, if a stored procedure is being executed for the second time, the database gets the cached execution plan to execute the stored procedure. 7.Deploying LINQ based solution is much simpler than a set of stored procedures dis advantage of linq 1.PreCompiled: Stored Procedures are precompiled, and LINQ queries need to compile before execution. So stored procedures are fast in performance. you can also chek for more detail

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  • Bhabani Prasad
    May, 2014 21

    Mr.Koushik is Right U can follow Mr.Koushik Answer

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  • koushik Dutta
    Nov, 2012 2

    Difference between LINQ and Stored Procedures: Stored procedures normally are faster as they have a predictable execution plan. Therefore, if a stored procedure is being executed for the second time, the database gets the cached execution plan to execute the stored procedure. LINQ supports type safety against stored procedures. LINQ supports abstraction which allows framework to add additional improvements like multi threading. It's much simpler and easier to add this support through LINQ instead of stored procedures. LINQ allows for debugging using .NET debugger, which is not possible in case of stored procedures. LINQ supports multiple databases against stored procedures which need to be re-written for different databases. Deploying LINQ based solution is much simpler than a set of stored procedures

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