varun joshi
What is the difference between .EXE and .DLL files?
By varun joshi in C# on Jun 10 2016
  • Mukesh Kumar
    Aug, 2017 31

    When any source file has main method then it executes & provides exe file Otherwise dll

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  • Ayappan Alagesan
    Feb, 2017 12

    .exe file is executable file which is based on abstraction(oops).We can just get the output display of the project. .dll file are used as reference in a that all the public class and methods can be used in the project which uses the .dll file.

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  • varun joshi
    Jun, 2016 10

    EXE It is an executable file, which can be run independently. EXE is an out-process component, which means that it runs in a separate process. It cannot be reused in an application. It has a main function.DLL It is Dynamic Link Library that is used as a part of EXE or other DLLs. It cannot be run independently. It runs in the application process memory, so it is called as in-process component. It can be reused in an application. It does not have a main function.

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