Prabhakaran Ramachandran
What is SOA? How to create SOA and what is the use of it? Pls Give any Example
By Prabhakaran Ramachandran in Web Services on Apr 16 2007
  • poorani ashokkumar
    Apr, 2007 18

    Hi Prabhakaran

    Pls find the below answer for ur post

    SOA is Service Oriented Architecture

    "Services" are components which expose well defined interfaces and these interfaces communicate through XML messages. Using SOA,you can build workflow,which uses interfaces of these components.

    SOA is typically useful when you are crossing heterogeneous technical boundaries,organizarions,domain,etc.

    In .NET SOA technically uses Web services to communicate with each service which is crossing boundaries. SOA sits on top of web services and provides a workfolw.

    SOA uses service components which operate in their own domain boundary.

    Some of the services:

    --> They are independent components and operate in their own boundary and own technology

    --> They have well defined interfaces which use XML and WSDL to describe themselves.

    --> Services have URL where anyone can find them and clients can bind to these URL to avail for the service

    -->Services have very loosely coupled architecture.In order to communicate to service you only have to know the WSDL.Your client can then generate proxy from the WSDL of the service

    The basic fundamental of SOA is web service.

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  • Suresh  K B
    Apr, 2007 18

    SOA is service oriented archetecture. Basically this has to be taken care during the design of a product or project. This feature will help you to to work in one module when some functionalities to be shared from  other modules. For eg if you have the payroll module and hr modules are there and it is tightly coupled, you cant implement only  one module because both modulel should be implemeted to work on one module. But this SOA will help you to make a loosely coupled modules. In SOA you will have to check that the other module is implemented and if it is implemented in the work flow it has to take the functionalities from there other wise you should write  the integrated functioalities in a common place and during implementation, these integrated functionalities alone should be implemented with each module..

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  • Prabhakaran Ramachandran
    Apr, 2007 16

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