Imran Javed Zia
What is relation between ASPX and its code behind class ?
By Imran Javed Zia in ASP.NET on Dec 06 2015
  • Manoj Kumar
    Jan, 2017 3

    ASPX is the design code ASPX.Cs is the code behind server code

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  • Manoj Kumar
    Jan, 2017 3

    ASPX is the design code ASPX.Cs is the code behind server code

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  • Munesh Sharma
    May, 2016 27

    The codebehind in 1.x was a "complete" class. It would extend the "page" super class, and have all the controls for declared and added within that class.The 2.0 model uses a "partial" class which allows you to split a class over a few files. this way you dont get the "designer generated code" clogging up your work area. Quite a nice idea actually, it keeps things nice and tidy. Here is a more indepth explanation...

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  • Keerthi Venkatesan
    May, 2016 13

    code behind class main function.. aspx is just apperance

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  • Vincent Maverick Durano
    Apr, 2016 12

    Analogy: You can think of ASPX as the human face and skin and the code-behind (ASPX.CS) is the brain and other internal organs that signals your body what to do.

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  • Imran Javed Zia
    Dec, 2015 6

    ASPX inherits Code behind class.

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