Satheesh Kumar Pilli
What is Implicit typed variable (var) in c#?
By Satheesh Kumar Pilli in .NET on Aug 20 2014
  • Mahesh Kumar alanka
    Sep, 2014 18

    initialize variable at compile time eg: var x = 100;

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  • Satheesh Kumar Pilli
    Aug, 2014 20

    Implicit typed variable type (var), this feature has been added from c# 3.0 which allows to declare a variable using "var" keyword. The type of the variable is identified at the time of its compilation depending upon the value assigned to it.Eg-var a=99; // a is int type (at compile time) var s="Hi"; // s is string type(at compile time) var f=1.23 ; // f is float type(at compile time)

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