Nemi Chand
What is difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write()
By Nemi Chand in C# on Jul 24 2015
  • Sujeet Suman
    Sep, 2015 2

    Response.Output.Write(): - This gives formatted output.Response.Write(): - Not

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  • Joe Wilson
    Dec, 2015 11

    Response.Output.Write() gives you String.Format-style output and the Response.Write() doesn't.

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  • Keerthi Venkatesan
    Apr, 2016 11

    response.write has 4 overloads and reponse.output.write has 17 overloads

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  • Kml Surani
    Dec, 2015 21

    Response.Output.Write() gives you String Format output and the Response.Write() not gives you string formated output

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  • Sridhar Sharma
    Nov, 2015 20

    Response.Output.Write() is for giving format output unlike Response.Write()

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  • Srikanth Reddy
    Nov, 2015 2

    One we can find from "View source" option on the page as: "Response.Write"--> we can find text in a span. "Response.Output.Write"--> There will not be any kind of span for the generated text.

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  • Tanmay Nehete
    Oct, 2015 30

    A fellow emailed me just now wanting to know the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() in ASP.NET. Well sir, I'm glad you asked, because it's damned interesting. :) The short answer is that the latter gives you String.Format-style output and the former doesn't. The long answer follows. In ASP.NET the Response object is of type HttpResponse and when you say Response.Write you're really saying (basically) HttpContext.Current.Response.Write and calling one of the many overloaded Write methods of HttpResponse. Response.Write then calls .Write() on it's internal TextWriter object: public void Write(object obj){ this._writer.Write(obj);} HttpResponse also has a Property called Output that is of type, yes, TextWriter, so: public TextWriter get_Output(){ return this._writer; } Which means you can to the Response whatever a TextWriter will let you. Now, TextWriters support a Write() method ala String.Format, so you can do this: Response.Output.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool",DateTime.Now); But internally, of course, this this is happening: public virtual void Write(string format, params object[] arg) { this.Write(string.Format(format, arg)); }

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  • Tanmay Nehete
    Oct, 2015 30

    A fellow emailed me just now wanting to know the difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() in ASP.NET. Well sir, I'm glad you asked, because it's damned interesting. :) The short answer is that the latter gives you String.Format-style output and the former doesn't. The long answer follows.In ASP.NET the Response object is of type HttpResponse and when you say Response.Write you're really saying (basically) HttpContext.Current.Response.Write and calling one of the many overloaded Write methods of HttpResponse. Response.Write then calls .Write() on it's internal TextWriter object:public void Write(object obj){ this._writer.Write(obj);}HttpResponse also has a Property called Output that is of type, yes, TextWriter, so:public TextWriter get_Output(){ return this._writer; }Which means you can to the Response whatever a TextWriter will let you. Now, TextWriters support a Write() method ala String.Format, so you can do this:Response.Output.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool",DateTime.Now);But internally, of course, this this is happening:public virtual void Write(string format, params object[] arg) { this.Write(string.Format(format, arg)); }

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  • Ap I
    Oct, 2015 11


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  • Pramod Gupta
    Sep, 2015 18

    Response.Output.Write() gives you String.Format-style output Response.Write() doesn't.

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  • Ajeet Mishra
    Sep, 2015 3

    The difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() in ASP.NET is that the Response.Output.Write() gives you String.Format-style output and the Response.Write() doesn't.

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  • Ajay Gandhi
    Aug, 2015 25

    The difference between Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() in ASP.NET. The short answer is that the latter gives you String.Format-style output and the former doesn't. The long answer follows.In ASP.NET the Response object is of type HttpResponse and when you say Response.Write you're really saying (basically) HttpContext.Current.Response.Write and calling one of the many overloaded Write methods of HttpResponse.Response.Write then calls .Write() on it's internal TextWriter object:public void Write(object obj){ this._writer.Write(obj);} HttpResponse also has a Property called Output that is of type, yes, TextWriter, so:public TextWriter get_Output(){ return this._writer; } Which means you can to the Response whatever a TextWriter will let you. Now, TextWriters support a Write() method ala String.Format, so you can do this:Response.Output.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool",DateTime.Now); But internally, of course, this this is happening:public virtual void Write(string format, params object[] arg) { this.Write(string.Format(format, arg)); }

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  • Nemi Chand
    Jul, 2015 24

    ASP.NET the Response object is of type HttpResponse and when you say Response.Write you're really saying (basically) HttpContext.Current.Response.Write and calling one of the many overloaded Write methods of HttpResponse. String.Format-style output and the former doesn't.Response.Write then calls .Write() on it's internal TextWriter object:public void Write(object obj){ this._writer.Write(obj);}HttpResponse also has a Property called Output that is of type, yes, TextWriter, so:public TextWriter get_Output(){ return this._writer; }Which means you can to the Response whatever a TextWriter will let you. Now, TextWriters support a Write() method ala String.Format, so you can do this:Response.Output.Write("Scott is {0} at {1:d}", "cool",DateTime.Now);But internally, of course, this this is happening:public virtual void Write(string format, params object[] arg) { this.Write(string.Format(format, arg)); }

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