sanjeev singh
What is difference between Machine.config and wed.config.
By sanjeev singh in ASP.NET on Dec 29 2008
  • P Narasimha
    Dec, 2008 29

    Hi Sanjeev,

    Web.Config:Web.Config is Nothing but set the all setting for the Web Applications in
    One project can have more than one Web.Config files are created in
    Examples:Suppose you can created the connection string for the our project in Web Applications ,once you can created the connection string tha can be Access any whre with in the Project files.
    onnection string Name="";
    Machine.Config:Machine.Config is nothing bu the Set the Machine leve setting for the Project in Web Application.
    Machine.Config is created for only one for the each project in Web Application

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  • Nandini
    Dec, 2008 29


    Web .config file is created when you create your new  ASP web project.

    for each project you have a different web.config file.

    web.config is application level.



    This file is created during the installation of .Net.

    You have only one machine.config per server.

    It is not application specific.


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