sanjeev singh
What is difference between dataset and dataReader.
By sanjeev singh in ADO.NET on Dec 17 2008
  • Umar Ali
    Sep, 2012 1

    Please refer to the following URLs to know the differences between DataSet and DataReader,

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  • P Narasimha
    Dec, 2008 23

    datareader is the read only forword Acess the data.
    it acn be faster than the dataset.
    it can be retrive the data from database only one record.
    for examples :if you have ten pages by using this it is going only forword only like first page to second page and third page --etc like that .but it can not be come back like second page to first page .
    dataset is retrive the data from database .
    by using dataset you can retrive the data from multiple tables.
    it can be slower than the datareader.
    dataset  can access the data from xml files also.

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  • Pankaj Gupta
    Dec, 2008 19

    There are lot of differences between the Dataset and DataReader. Few are:

    1. DataReader is forward  only and read only but Dataset is not.
    2. In Dataset we can edit the records but in Datareader it is not possible.
    3. DataReader is more fast then dataset.

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  • Pankaj Gupta
    Dec, 2008 19

    There are lot of differences between the Dataset and DataReader. Few are:

    1. DataReader is forward  only and read only but Dataset is not.
    2. In Dataset we can edit the records but in Datareader it is not possible.
    3. DataReader is more fast then dataset.

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