chigicherla Mallikarjuna
What is connection pooling?
By chigicherla Mallikarjuna in ADO.NET on Apr 10 2013
  • chigicherla Mallikarjuna
    Apr, 2013 10

    Connection Pooling Means:
                                          A Connection Pool is a container of open and reusable connections. A Connection Pool is released from the memory when the last connection to the database is closed. 

    The basic advantage of using Connection Pooling is an improvement of performance and scalability 
    Connection Pooling can increase the database performance to a huge extent

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  • Munesh Sharma
    Apr, 2014 12

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  • Naitik  Jani
    Apr, 2014 10

    Connection Pooling means maximum number of Connection to database at a time may have.For Example, In Connection String ,we can define PoolingSize for example I am setting it 100 so at time 100 connection can be connect with database not more than that.

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