Ajeet Mishra
What is a SELF JOIN in SQL ?
By Ajeet Mishra in SQL Server on Sep 08 2015
  • Vishal Jadav
    Aug, 2016 8

    Its a kind of join which join a table to itself.

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  • Munesh Sharma
    May, 2016 31


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  • Rajeev Punhani
    Jan, 2016 28

    Self join means we are creating join on same table.Suppose we have a table employee Emp_id,emp_name,manager_id.Now if we want to get emp_name ,manager_name from this table we need to do self join .Select a.emp_name,b.emp_name as managername from employee a,employee b where a.manager_id=b.emp_id

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  • Ajeet Mishra
    Sep, 2015 8

    Same table is specified twice with two different aliases in order to match the data within the same table.

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