Deepak  Kamboj
What are the benefits of LINQ on dataset?
By Deepak Kamboj in LINQ on May 10 2013
  • Bilam  Mondal
    Jun, 2015 20

    Quick turn around for development Queries can be dynamically Tables are automatically created into class Columns are automatically created into properties Relationship are automatically appeaded to classes Lambda expressions are awesome Data is easy to setup and use

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  • Munesh Sharma
    Jun, 2015 16

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  • Bhabani Prasad
    May, 2014 21

    What is benefit of using LINQ on Dataset?The major objective to use LINQ to Dataset is to execute strongly typed queries over Dataset.Consider the scenario that you require to merge the results from two Datasets, or you require to take a distinct value from a Dataset, then we can use LINQ.Usually we can use the SQL queries to execute on the database to get the Dataset, but we can’t use SQL queries on a Dataset to retrieve a single value, for which use ofADO.NET features is necessary.While, in case of LINQ, it supports better dignified way to execute queries on Dataset and gives some new functionalities than ADO.NET.

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