Princy Gupta
What are dynamic variables
By Princy Gupta in .NET on May 08 2014
  • Prem Ranjan
    May, 2014 19

    Dynamic Variables, a variables declared with dynamic keyword and dynamic declarations are resolved at run time. Dynamic Variable is decided by the compiler at run time, no need to initialize the variable at the time of declaration.Ex. dynamic query;query = "C# Lnaguage"; //Compile, No errorquery = 1234 ; // its also compile, No error

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  • Vishal Jadav
    Aug, 2016 8

    Just like object / var it can hold any type of data but raises error at run-time and any compile time error is not checked by the compiler.

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  • vamshi neela
    May, 2014 30

    dynamic variables is type safe varaibles while passing and parameters and as return type also

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  • Pankaj Bajaj
    May, 2014 13

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  • Khan Abrar Ahmed
    May, 2014 12

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  • manoj tyagi
    May, 2014 9

    Dynamic keyword is used to handle anytime of data if we declare dynamic variable. it can handle anonymous data type and can handle any type of data.

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  • Princy Gupta
    May, 2014 8

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