Amit Soni
We have an application running on a DLL version 1.0 after sometime we make a new version 2.0 of that, now we need our application must reference to the new version of this DLL. What we will do?
By Amit Soni in ASP.NET on Feb 26 2007
  • Sarath Babu
    Mar, 2007 23

    Do you want to use it for all the applications in the application server or only your application (say application1).If so,

    There is a bindingRedirect tag in web.configĀ and machine.config which has attributes publickeytoken, oldVersion and newVersion.use this.

    To know the exact syntax check msdn or google search.

    Note : I think application will refer the new version of dll always(not confirmed)

    Sarath babu G

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  • Mar, 2007 8

    did u create a strong name for your application, if not then cut the crap.... just replace the dll with a new one...thats it

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  • Ayub Sourjah
    Feb, 2007 27

    Hi Amit,

    You could try adding the assembly to the GAC, but first u need to strong name the assembly. Once you have done that. By going to the Framework Configuration option found in the control panel, You select configure assembly and pick ur assembly from the list prompted. After that simply read the labels on the screen and you will understand what to do next.

    Its actual telling the framework that if any request comes for this version 1.0, redirect the request to selected version 2.0 (your new assembly)

    I think u will need to add bought assemblies into the GAC.

    Hope this helps



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