Thiyagarajan Natarajan
Versioning in ASP.NET
By Thiyagarajan Natarajan in ASP.NET on Aug 08 2006
  • Aug, 2006 10

    Your question is not clear, plz describe it with more details !!!

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  • Gopi
    Aug, 2006 10

    Are you using any Version management tool like Source Safe? If so, u can just roll back to the version you require and get the latest version.

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  • Thiyagarajan Natarajan
    Aug, 2006 8

    Dear All,
             I have 2 versions of the same application. now my framework is running the heigher version of the application. I would like to load and run the lower version of the application.
    what should i do?

    Advanced thanks for all.

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