Refreshing listbox after popup window closed
By vincent in Windows Forms on Sep 26 2008
  • sunil kumar
    Sep, 2008 26

    hi you can write javascript code to refresh parent window. write Code like; you can try this: window.opener.location.reload(); window.close();

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  • vincent
    Sep, 2008 26

    Hey, i have a rather difficult question, i`ve been searching for it about 3 days now and i just cant find it anywhere. a small explanation of my problem: I have a small buisness application which i need to build as a school project, now there is also a incident reporting system in it. in this you can search by entering keywords and pressing the search button. When you get any results you can change/delete them. When you delete them the form automatically closes. Now i want the listbox to refresh/search again when the popup window closes. Is there any way to do this ? Many thanks, Vincent/Crazy

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