madhukumar koppula
In SQL Server2000 a table having similer rows. How can you update a row?
By madhukumar koppula in SQL Server on Aug 17 2006
  • Jun
    Aug, 2006 22

    Create an identity column,  every row will be set a differnt id automatically.

    There are no simile rows now.

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  • madhukumar koppula
    Aug, 2006 18

    this problem is rectified in SQL Server 2005.  i.e .. row_number() concept is there.

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  • madhukumar koppula
    Aug, 2006 17

    it's possible in Oracle becoz rowID concept is there. But It's not possible in SQL Server. There is no rowID concept. But it is possible in a different way i.e replicating a table. For Example

    Employee Table having two columns i.e

    empno       empname

    10            Shilpa

    10            Shilpa

    in this case we have to use replication concept on employee table by using select into statement.


    select rowno=identity(int,1,1), empno, empname

    into employee1

    from employee

    Identity is a function it is used only in Select Into Statement.

    * IDENTITY ( data_type [ , seed , increment ] ) AS column_name


    rowno       empno   empname

    1                  10        shilpa

    2                  10        shilpa

    By using 'rowno' we have to update the table where updation is occur.

    Thanks ..!


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