Sonia Sharma
If the interface in c# only contains the declaration of the methods and we need to define those methods in the class, then why we use the interface?
By Sonia Sharma in C# on May 02 2012
  • Omkumar Muthusamy
    May, 2017 6

    Paves way for Programming to the Interfaces by the way of Creating References to instantiate any class that has implemented the Interface.This in not possible in thru Abstract classes.

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  • Pramod Verma
    Feb, 2015 10

    we can Implement multiple Interface in a class. C# does not support Multiple Inheritance. Through Interface we can get that.

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  • Sonia Sharma
    May, 2012 2

    A:Interfaces define a contract. You should use it only if you want to support a group or related functionalities in a class or struct. Otherwise there is no need to use it.

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