Akhil Joshi
How to filter records of table in SQL SERVER?
By Akhil Joshi in SQL Server on Oct 04 2012
  • Shankar M
    Dec, 2012 13

    We can filter records based on the where clause.SELECT COL1,COL2 from TABLE WHERE COL1 = 'Condition';When using grouping clause to restrict rows, you can querySELECT SUM(COL1),COL2 from TABLE WHERE COL1= 'Condition' group by COL2;You can restrict record groups using the having clause some thing like this, SELECT SUM(COL1),COL2 from TABLE WHERE COL1= 'Condition' group by COL2 having SUM(COL1) > 20;

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  • Romzy Zu
    Oct, 2012 11

    Select fields1, field2...fieldn from table_name where field =

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