sanjeev singh
How many types of overloading in C#.NET
By sanjeev singh in ASP.NET on Dec 03 2008
  • Shweta Agarwal
    Jul, 2011 28

    Overriding is of Two types:

    1.  Implicit Overriding

    2. Explicit Overriding


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  • Bechir Bejaoui
    Dec, 2008 9

    The right keyword is the polymorphism

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  • P Narasimha
    Dec, 2008 9

    Hi Sanjeev ,

    ur answer is correct,

    Polymorphism is nothing but Many Forms of Single Object is called Polymorphism.
    Polymorphism is Classified into Two Types
    1.Compiletime Polymorphism.
    2.Runtime Polymorphism.
    Compile Time Polymorphism:It will be Occure at the Compiletime Example for this Function Overloading.
    It means Early binding. Function Overloading is nothing but Function name is Same D/f Signature.
    Operator Overloading,Constructor Overloading .
    Runtime Polymorphism:It will be Occure at the Runtime.Example for this Function Overriding.
    Function Overriding means Function name is same and signature is same.
    here signature is Name,Types of Parameters,Count like that.

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  • sanjeev singh
    Dec, 2008 8

    Hi Pula narasima,

    Polymorphism have two types:-

    1. Compile time.

    2. Run time.

    and Compile time also called overloading.

    Overloading have Three Types.

    1.Constructor overloading.

    2.Function overloading.

    3.Operator overloading.


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  • sanjeev singh
    Dec, 2008 8

    Hi Pula narasima,

    Polymorphism have two types:-

    1. Compile time.

    2. Run time.

    and Compile time also called overloading.

    Overloading have Three Types.

    1.Constructor overloading.

    2.Function overloading.

    3.Operator overloading.


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  • P Narasimha
    Dec, 2008 8

    Hi sanjeev,

    Question is not Clear,the t Will be Supports Three Type of OverLoading

    1.Function OverLoading.

    2.Function Overriding.

    3.Constructor Overriding





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  • Bechir Bejaoui
    Dec, 2008 6

    The question is not clear, please reform it

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