sanjeev singh
How is the DLL Hell problem Solved in .NET
By sanjeev singh in ASP.NET on Jan 08 2009
  • Eranda Horanagama
    Jan, 2009 23

    In .NET by assembly versoning allows the application to include an version of the library it needs to run. (Dll problem in Win32 is to identifying the correct library which not includes version)

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  • P Narasimha
    Jan, 2009 10

    DLL hell is Nothing but it is Vesioning Probles, This Problem can solved by Using Side by side Excution.
    DLL hell is Multiple vesions of Applications not running Under one Assembly,By usingSide by Side Excutions .

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  • Ashraf Shah
    Jan, 2009 8

    The DLL Hell problem is solved in .NET by the introduction of the versioning of class libraries. Also by the advent of the CLR (common language runtime) which has most of the classes in it.

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