Nitin Choudhary
Explain what are the key features of Angular.js ?
By Nitin Choudhary in Angular on Jan 20 2015
  • prashanth kumar
    Feb, 2017 28

    Below are the key features of AngularJS. 1) MVC Architecture 2) Two-Way Data Binding 3) Templates 4) Directives 5) Expressions 6) Modules 7) Scope 8) Filters

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  • Naveen Bisht
    Jun, 2016 30

    1- It provide data binding,angular provide automatic synchronization of data between model and view components.whatever data put in modal that will automatic update in view,angular provide data binding is one way and two way. 2- Controller is java script objects that refer to the model. it is act as bridge between controller and view. using scope we can easily access the value of model(which is used is view). 3- it provide $scope, which used to access the view value in controller, these are JavaScript functions that are bound to a particular scope. 4- Services are special kind of function which is used to done specific task, some services are angular provide inbuilt eg. HTTP and user can create your own custom services also. 5- Filter are used to format the data before it display. 6- Directives, it is nothing is kind of view which contain html attribute. Angular has built-in directives (ngBind, ngModel...) 7- Routing ia basically pattern matching system, which used to execute view or it's concept of switching views. in angular we can achieve it by $routeProvider and $stateProvider (It is used in where we need deep linking or eg like if we need bookmark the page.). 9-AngularJS Provide some in built-in dependency injection subsystem that helps to developer easier to develop application. $sec inject to view PDF file in html using angular js.

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  • Nitin Choudhary
    Jan, 2015 20

    The key features of angular.js areScope Controller Model View Services Data Binding Directives Filters Testable

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