Define namespace.
By rajkumar in OOP/OOD on Jul 13 2006
  • Renu Agarwal
    Aug, 2016 12

    Namespace in .NET is a collection of objects such as classes, enums, structs etc. Namespace allows logical separation of objects improving the maintainability and usage.

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  • Shaik Hanumantha Rao
    Sep, 2007 19

    A Namespace in Microsoft .Net is like containers of objects. They may contain unions, classes, structures, interfaces, enumerators and delegates. Main goal of using namespace in .Net is for creating a hierarchical organization of program. In this case a developer does not need to worry about the naming conflicts of classes, functions, variables etc., inside a project. In Microsoft .Net, every program is created with a default namespace. This default namespace is called as global namespace. But the program itself can declare any number of namespaces, each of them with a unique name. The advantage is that every namespace can contain any number of classes, functions, variables and also namespaces etc., whose names are unique only inside the namespace. The members with the same name can be created in some other namespace without any compiler complaints from Microsoft .Net. To declare namespace C# .Net has a reserved keyword namespace. If a new project is created in Visual Studio .NET it automatically adds some global namespaces. These namespaces can be different in different projects. But each of them should be placed under the base namespace System. The names space must be added and used through the using operator, if used in a different project. Please now have a look at the example of declaring some namespace: ________________________________________ UsingSystem; namespace OutNamespace { Namespace WorkNamespace { /// can be placed some classes, structures etc. } }

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  • rajkumar
    Jul, 2006 13

    It is a feature in c++ to minimize name collisions in the global name space. This namespace keyword assigns a distinct name to a library that allows other libraries to use the same identifier names without creating any name collisions. Furthermore, the compiler uses the namespace signature for differentiating the definitions..

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