Nipun Tomar
Can we handle the error and redirect to some pages using web.config?
By Nipun Tomar in ASP.NET on Jul 13 2006
  • Pramod Verma
    Feb, 2015 10

    That is call Custom Error Handling.

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  • Pramod Verma
    Jan, 2015 24

    This is called Custom error Handling.

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  • joby peter
    Jul, 2006 13

    1. Yes, we can do this, but to handle errors, we must know the error codes; only then we can take the user to a proper error message page, else it may confuse the user.
    CustomErrors Configuration section in web.config file:
    The default configuration is:
    < customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="Customerror.aspx" >
    < error statusCode="404" redirect="Notfound.aspx" / >
    < /customErrors >
    If mode is set to Off, custom error messages will be disabled. Users will receive detailed exception error messages.
    If mode is set to On, custom error messages will be enabled.
    If mode is set to RemoteOnly, then users will receive custom errors, but users accessing the site locally will receive detailed error messages.
    Add an < error > tag for each error you want to handle. The error tag will redirect the user to the Notfound.aspx page when the site returns the 404 (Page not found) error.

    2. [Example]
    There is a page MainForm.aspx
    Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ‘Put user code to initialize the page here
    Dim str As System.Text.StringBuilder
    str.Append(”hi”) ‘ Error Line as str is not instantiated
    End Sub
    < customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error.aspx"/ >
    ‘ a simple redirect will take the user to Error.aspx [user defined] error file.
    < customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="Customerror.aspx" >
    < error statusCode="404" redirect="Notfound.aspx" / >
    < /customErrors >
    ‘This will take the user to NotFound.aspx defined in IIS.

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