
Nov 11 2003 2:58 PM
Hi all, I'm having some problems serializing a class that contains a collection. Creating the TestClass below and then calling its Serialize method throws the error: There was an error reflecting 'TestApp.TestClass' If I use place an [XmlIgnore] over the TheDeliveryList property it works fine. Another option may be to implement the IXmlSerializable interface but I was hoping that this would not be necessary. Any help would be much appreciated. public class TestClass { private DeliveryList deliveryList; private int testClassID; public TestClass(){ deliveryList = new DeliveryList(); Delivery del = new Delivery(); del.DeliveryID="1"; deliveryList.Add(del); del = new Delivery(); del.DeliveryID="2"; deliveryList.Add(del); } public int TestClassID{ get{return testClassID;} set{testClassID=value;} } [XmlArray("Deliveries")] [XmlArrayItem("Delivery", typeof(Delivery))] public DeliveryList TheDeliveryList{ get{return deliveryList;} set{deliveryList=value;} } public string Serialize(){ XmlSerializer xmlSer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TestClass)); StringWriter sr = new StringWriter(); xmlSer.Serialize(sr,this); return sr.ToString(); } } public class Delivery{ private string deliveryID; public string DeliveryID{ get{return deliveryID;} set{deliveryID=value;} } } public class DeliveryList : CollectionBase{ public int Add(Delivery del){ return List.Add(del); } }