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XML Parsing (Avoiding Duplicate Tags)

Apr 29 2010 10:04 AM

I am attempting to write some C# code that will parse an XML based on my conditions and certain tags. I have utilized XPATH to find the specific nodes and put them in a NodeList, however I will also have to create some code that will avoid copying down more than one element/tag for each entity. I will then takes this new Lists and create a new nodes/XML doc based on the values I've got.

Although the XML I am parsing is much more messy and larger than this, for Example, I would only want to find the 1st Year and 1st Brand of each cleat, thus making years captured: 2004 & 2010 and Brands: Adidas & Nike.



It is possible to achieve this?  I've read some references towards XSLT, but doesn't that only do html/website displays?

Thank You in advance

Answers (2)