Writing different outputs to files depending on the calling function.

May 14 2009 12:35 AM

Hi All,

I need to alter the content written to a file depending on which function called it.

I have two functions that call WriteToFile() and I need to change the output accordingly. For eg: If function A calls it then output should be name,-5.00 or if B calls it then output should be name, 0.

Can someone please tell me how I should go abt doing this?

This is what my function looks like now:

WriteToFile( FileDataSet dataset) {

string outputfile = Properties. DownstreamSettings.Default.TakeAction;

List<String> fileContent = new List<String>();

foreach(FileDataSet.MakeChangeRow row in dataset.MakeChange){

fileContent.Add(row.name + ",-5.00");


