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Winforms App local LAN PC login issue

Oct 15 2010 5:02 AM

I have a app that copies files to a different machine on our network. It's a simple XP machine we use for daily backups. However, you need to login to the machine before you can do anything. So the app doesn't work unless I first open a shared folder with Explorer on the backup PC and enter my logon details. Once I've logged onto the Backup PC, the app runs fine. But if I don't logon first, the app throws an exception stating that it can't access the destination folder.

Now I can't seem to find a way to add network credentials to the copy process, so I figured I need to give it to the app somehow??

I want to avoid having to setup a FTP server as I feel it's unnecessary for something that should be relatively simple.

So I need my app to "login" to the Backup PC before it tries to copy the files.

Any help would be appreciated.

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