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Why i m m gwetting wrong results

Nov 26 2008 2:23 AM


i m using CR 10 with C#.net in adesktop application. I applied query its results displys on CR Viewer. . According to the query result there must be on;y one result. but i get so many resluts.. plz chkt it .. and let me inform if errir s that i correct it.

here is the code .

 ds = con.Select_Query("select  CustomerInfo.CName,Reciept.*,WebDevnDes.* from (Reciept INNER JOIN WebDevnDes ON Reciept.RegNo=WebDevnDes.RegNo)INNER JOIN CustomerInfo ON CustomerInfo.RegNo= Reciept.RegNo where Reciept.RecieptNo=" + rcptno);

Reports.WebDevnDes web = new MIS.Reports.WebDevnDes();
                    web.SetDataSource(ds.Tables [0]);                   
                    crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = web;

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