Alia Gray

Alia Gray

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Which is better as a developer career, ASP.NET or PHP?

Dec 16 2015 6:36 AM
I know the basics of both ASP.NET and PHP, but confused which one to choose to get the best job, PHP has more job but less salary package. PHP looks easier to learn, but when I see frameworks like Zend, it changes my view. I feel ASP.NET is easier and everything is organised. You can have Microsoft certification which adds weightage to your profile.
Pro's and Con's of ASP.NET and PHP
1. Strong Framework
2. Strong RAD like Visual Studio
3. Structured and specified learning curve
4. Have the strong reputation of Microsoft
5. Salary is good
1. Nothing is Free
2. Need more time to learn and component are bit complexly related with each other.
1. Opensource
2. Supports many amazing CMS like Joomla,wordpress,drupal,magento etc
3. More number of jobs
4. Support community support as its open source
1. Less salary
2. Lacks strong framework like .NET although it supports frameworks like cakephp and zend,but they are not as robust as .NET
3. Doesn't have strong RAD tools Visual Studio,although it supports Zend studio which is not as good as Visual Studio.
I have check out some resources. Such as
Please advice?????

Answers (2)