Manoj Patel

Manoj Patel

  • NA
  • 26
  • 10.5k WPF :Unable to cast object of type 'Ocean.GeneralMast

Apr 24 2013 7:01 AM
Dear Experts,

I'm using wpf with When i tried below code then i'm getting an error 

Unable to cast object of type 'Ocean.GeneralMaster' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'.

 Dim objForm As Form
        Dim sValue As String
        Dim FullTypeName As String
        Dim FormInstanceType As Type
        ' Form class name
        sValue = "GeneralMaster"
        ' Assume that form classes' namespace is the same as ProductName
        FullTypeName = "Ocean" & "." & sValue
        ' Now, get the actual type
        FormInstanceType = Type.GetType(FullTypeName, True, True)
        ' Create an instance of this form type
        objForm = CType(Activator.CreateInstance(FormInstanceType), Form)
        ' Show the form instance