Antony García

Antony García

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Validate user input in Console App

Jan 13 2017 12:19 PM
Hi...How can I validate user input when the user's input is greater than 10.
I mean, in this code below if the user introduce a value greater than 10, I want to print a message on screen. What operator or comparision should I use and where?..Here is the code:
private static void GusssingGame()
Console.WriteLine(" ***** GUESS THE NUMBER GAME ******");
Random myRandom = new Random();
int randomNumber = myRandom.Next(1, 11);
int intentos = 0;
bool incorrect = true;
Console.Write("Choose a number between 1 and 10 and press ENTER: ");
string result = Console.ReadLine();
if (result == randomNumber.ToString())
incorrect = false;
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect. Try again!");
} while (incorrect == true);

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