Violeta Popa

Violeta Popa

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validate a textbox-error provider

Apr 7 2013 7:30 AM
Hi! i want to validate a textbox, where the email is introduces. First i check if the email is too short, and it works, then i try to check if it ends with or but it doesn't work fine. I guess it's a problem with Substring. Any help? thks.

 private void emailTxt_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            string mesaj = null;
            string email = emailTxt.Text;
            int lungime = email.Length;

            if (lungime < 11)
                mesaj = "E-mail prea scurt!";
                this.errorProvider1.SetError(this.emailTxt, mesaj);
                string text = email.Substring(lungime - 12, 10);
                if (text != "" || text != "")
                    mesaj = "E-mail: [email protected] sau [email protected]!";
                    this.errorProvider1.SetError(this.emailTxt, mesaj);

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