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Use svcutil.exe generated type as return value for webservice

Jun 19 2009 7:07 AM

I'm experiencing some trouble using a svcutil generated type as a return value from a webservice. I have the following situation: a client calls a webservice (A) that calls another webservice (B). This is because the 2 webservices are in an ipv6 domain and the client not nescessary is. Also I want to do some central logging on the first webservice (A).

When I try to use the types generated with svcutil.exe from the wsdl from webservice B as return values for calls in webservice A I get the following error:
'System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler' cannot derive from special class 'System.MulticastDelegate'

Is there a way to generate classes that ARE usable as return types with svcutil? The types send from the client to ws A and from ws A to ws B will ALWAYS be the same so I rather not create new classes in ws A that contain exactly the same types as the classes generated with svcutil frim ws B and update them every time the wsdl of ws B changes.