Krishna Mr

Krishna Mr

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Unbound Datagrid

Jul 14 2008 10:10 AM

I have unbound DataGridView with 4 Cols. I want to Validate:

1. if Col1 and Col2 data present in the table then prompt to correct and put
the cursor to first repeated value or delete those rows in DGV,

2. if Col1 and Col2 data is repeated in the DGV rows then prompt to correct
and put the cursor to first repeated value or delete those rows in DGV,

3. Once corrected or has clean data - Write data to database.

I'm not sure if I need to use "bound or unbound" DGV control for above
situation. But one thing for sure I don't want to display existing data from
table in DGV. I just want to input new data and validate and write it.

Please help.
