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Try Cath , throw Error

Jun 25 2009 12:38 AM
Please our member help me...(SQL server 2005 ,and C# language)
I want to check duplicate Id in tblStaffDetail before insert data to this table ..
so i write this methord:

public bool IsexistID(String IsID, StaffDetailInfo objInfo, SqlTransaction sqlTran)
            bool blresutl = false;
            String StrSQL = "SELECT StName FROM TblStaffDetail \r\n" +
                            "WHERE StID=@StID";
                SqlCommand sqlCom = DBHelper.SQL_CONNECTION.CreateCommand();
                sqlCom.CommandText = StrSQL;
                sqlCom.Transaction = sqlTran;
                CommandHelper(sqlCom, objInfo);//Make Object from other Methord
                GetStaffName = sqlCom.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
            if (GetStaffName == null)
                blresutl = false;
                blresutl = true;
            return blresutl;

this methord is working if the ID is really duplicated , but if ID is not Exist it will catch error , and i can't insert new record ..
     I want to kill this catch error ..and not catch if input new data .Please help me

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