Theis Andersen

Theis Andersen

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ToolStripItemSeparator color?

Aug 23 2010 9:17 AM
I am trying to change the entire colorschema in my menu. And the only thing that is not changing is the toolstripseparator. I have a popupmenu where the same algorithms are used and the Effects on the popup is showed! So my question becomes: Those anyone know a solution to this??

I recursivevly loop through all the menus to set back and forecolor.

 private void loopmenuitems(ToolStripMenuItem item ,Color c, Color text)


            item.BackColor = c;

            item.ForeColor = text;

            if (item.HasDropDownItems)


                foreach (Object child in item.DropDownItems)




                        ToolStripMenuItem menuitem = (ToolStripMenuItem)child;

                        loopmenuitems(menuitem, c, text);




                        ToolStripSeparator sep = (ToolStripSeparator)child;

                        sep.ForeColor = text;

                        sep.BackColor = c;





        private void looopMenu(Color c, Color text)


            //Doesn't WORK
            menuStrip1.BackColor = c;

            menuStrip1.ForeColor = text;

            foreach (Object m in menuStrip1.Items)




                    ToolStripMenuItem items = (ToolStripMenuItem)m;

                    loopmenuitems(items, c, text);




                    ToolStripSeparator sep = (ToolStripSeparator)m;

                    sep.ForeColor = text;

                    sep.BackColor = c;



            // WORKS
            popupmenu.BackColor = c;

            popupmenu.ForeColor = text;

            foreach (Object menuitem in popupmenu.Items)



                    ToolStripMenuItem items = (ToolStripMenuItem)menuitem;

                    loopmenuitems(items, c, text);




                    ToolStripSeparator sep = (ToolStripSeparator)menuitem;

                    sep.ForeColor = text;

                    sep.BackColor = c;


