Steve Wood

Steve Wood

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To browse or not to browse

Apr 8 2008 6:10 PM

Hello all!

I am new to VB.NET but know VB6 pretty well. I am looking to create an app for PDAs which can reference an external library (DLL) to utilize the web browser from .net 2 and then add a web form to my app which I can write a web formatted document to (the html doc in the form would have 'non standard' links), and then when the user clicks on the hyperlinks within the web form for it NOT to try and browse to this link, but instead to load the URL into a variable and cancel navigation.

I have read mahesh's excellent tutorials on how to create DLLs in .net then reference them, so I guess I just need to learn the code references for the web browser interface and URL trapping (and then to cancel any possible navigation)

I hope the above makes sense?! If so, is the above possible and where would I need to start looking (anyone recommend any books to help me on my way or samples which may already exist? I have had a rummage but cant find anything so far which will do what I need.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be very grateful. Thank you.

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