ahmed saleh

ahmed saleh

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the read() method doesn,t work with multiple tables in sql d

Jan 7 2014 7:19 PM

hi guys

I'm trying to access 2 tables from sql in c#

when I tried


string mycommand = " select * from mytable1";

sqlcommand com = new sqlcommand();
com.comandtext = mycommand;

sqldatareader reader = com.excutereader();


he enters the loop and the command is work


when i try doing this with 2 tables like this

string mycommand = " select  mytable1.name,maytable2.city from maytable1 INNER JOIN mytable2 ON mytable1.cityid = mytable2.cityid ";



.... every thing is good until now

while(reader.read()){  /here is the problem the code doesn,t enter the loop at all !!




he just ignore this read() method and continue the code without entering the loop,and iam sure from that

because i put the break point ..

so i hope you guys can help me in this problem

thank you

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