nany nabil

nany nabil

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the datetime variable value not null it always minvalue

May 20 2013 1:22 PM
i have aform that filter data usig four controls..we can filter using one or more the controls may be null and this is the problem 
this is my aspx page code 

   <asp:EntityDataSource ID="BuyEntityDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=StockyEntities"
                    DefaultContainerName="StockyEntities" EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="Buys"
                    Include="Supplier" Where="(it.OrganizationID=@OrganizationID) AND (it.BuyDate >= @DateFrom or @DateTo IS NULL ) AND ( it.BuyDate <= @DateTo or @DateTo IS NULL ) AND (it.InvoiceNumber=@BuyID or @BuyID IS NULL) AND (it.Supplier.SupplierName=@Supplier or @Supplier IS NULL)"
                        <asp:Parameter Type="Int64" Name="BuyID" />
                        <asp:Parameter Type="String" Name="Supplier" />
                        <asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="DateFrom" />
                        <asp:Parameter Type="DateTime" Name="DateTo" />
                        <asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue="1" Name="OrganizationID" SessionField="OrganizationID"
                            Type="Int32" />

and this is the code in aspx.cs file code ... so what can i do ..... please help me quicky ...

  DateTime fromDate; DateTime.TryParseExact(FromDateTextBox.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out fromDate);  //if the control is null it retruns Minvalue (1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM)
            DateTime toDate; DateTime.TryParseExact(ToDateTextBox.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out toDate);  //if the control is null it retruns Minvalue (1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM)
            string BuyId = BuyIDTextBox.Text;
            string SupplierName = SupplierTextBox.Text;
            string fromDateString = fromDate.ToString();//to current culture format
            string toDateString = toDate.ToString();//to current culture format
            BuyEntityDataSource.WhereParameters["DateTo"].DefaultValue = toDateString;
            BuyEntityDataSource.WhereParameters["DateFrom"].DefaultValue = fromDateString;
            BuyEntityDataSource.WhereParameters["Supplier"].DefaultValue = SupplierName;
            BuyEntityDataSource.WhereParameters["BuyID"].DefaultValue = BuyId;

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