System.InvalidCastException: Cannot assign System.Xml.XmlNode[] type object to com.deutchtelecom.BeanListeSigBasicReponse

Jun 2 2004 12:28 PM
Hi Is there anyone succeeded porting Apache-SOAP java client into C# client ? In my situation, I'd like to make a C# client which communicates with Apache-SOAP webservice (SOAP 1.1). With the WSDL I generate the proxy. The calling method of my proxy is this : === [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapRpcMethodAttribute ("", RequestNamespace="urn:savSignalisation", ResponseNamespace="urn:savSignalisation")] [return: System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute("getListeSignalisationsReturn")] public BeanListeSigBasicReponse getListeSignalisations() { object[] results = null; results = this.Invoke ("getListeSignalisations", new object[0]); return ((BeanListeSigBasicReponse)(results[0])); } === The error I got is this : === System.InvalidOperationException: There is an error in XML document (251,10). ---> System.InvalidCastException: Cannot assign object of type System.Xml.XmlNode[] to an object of type at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReader1.Read18_getListeSignalisationsResponse() === The XML message th webservice sent to me (sniffed arround network) is the following. Any idea. Please it is very urgent. Thanks. === 0 2004-05-26T13:59:34.138Z PREST027 0 Transfix haut debit (34 et +) HD0000000078465 false W405000535 PREST112 0 Transfix 2 mbits/s 123456789 123456789 123456789 false W405000536 PREST150 00h00 2 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000018 false HO 29/10/2003 15h54 0310802128 2048Kb 21/11/2003 17h55 PREST013 22/11/2003 00h30 1 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000034 false S1 21/11/2003 13h55 0311907118 2048Kb PREST124 03h30 21/11/2003 11h26 3 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000142 false S2 21/11/2003 04h57 0311900257 2048Kb 31/12/2004 12h45 21/11/2003 00h28 PREST111 21/11/2003 17h00 1 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000005 false HO 20/11/2003 14h28 0311901624 2048Kb 20/11/2003 23h41 PREST013 00h00 1 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000098 false S2 20/11/2003 13h41 0310738141 2048Kb 19/11/2003 20h12 PREST125 00h10 19/11/2003 16h16 4 N Transfix 2 mbits/s 000125 false HO 19/11/2003 10h12 0311891770 2048Kb 31/12/2004 12h45 19/11/2003 03h16 PREST099 00h00 19/11/2003 17h32 3 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000024 false HO 18/11/2003 17h16 0311890171 2048Kb 19/10/2003 06h09 PREST028 00h16 21/10/2003 11h24 7 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 001580 false S2 18/10/2003 20h09 0310756123 2048Kb 31/12/2004 12h45 10/10/2003 19h55 PREST200 13h46 14/10/2003 10h24 7 N Transfix 2 mbits/s 000001 false HO 10/10/2003 09h55 0310724792 2048Kb 31/12/2004 12h45 07/10/2003 03h40 PREST001 00h00 07/10/2003 15h18 3 O Transfix 2 mbits/s 000000 false HO 06/10/2003 17h40 0310690447 2048Kb ===